Yule Ball
Students are excited for the Yule Ball despite location change
The Yule Ball, a Harry Potter themed dance hosted by the library’s Teen Library Council (TLC), is coming back this year after COVID-restrictions prevented it from happening in 2021, according to Jamie Beckman, the young adult services department manager of the Carmel Clay Public Library. The event, which has occurred annually since January 2015 is scheduled to take place on Jan. 21, 2022.

Teens dancing at the Yule Ball in 2020 at the Carmel Clay Public Library. Amita Mungi said that she had a great and can’t wait to go to the Yule Ball again this year.
The event, which connects members of the TLC and those who love to read, is a dance event open to anyone.
Russel Hunt, TLC member and sophomore, said, “My favorite part of the Yule Ball is just being able to hang out on the dance floor with my friends.”
Hunt said he hoped the Harry Potter theme, which has helped him feel connected to the Harry Potter world, continues to be the main part of the Yule Ball.
Beckman said COVID-19 has also led to a change in location.
“The Ritz Charles has generously offered to host the Yule Ball in their Garden Pavilion,” she said.
Amita Mungi, TLC member and junior, said she knew about the location change but wasn’t bothered by it.
“I think it’ll be a little cold if it’s outside, but generally, I think it’s a great way to spend time with my friends and enjoy the event.”
Hunt said he agreed that despite the changes, he is still excited for the upcoming dance.
“TLC is a great opportunity for those that enjoy reading and being a part of the community, and the dance is a fun way to express my love of books,” he said.

Mungi said she liked being connected to the Harry Potter world and discussing the books with her friends.
“They played ‘Harry Potter’ movies and it was fun to see how they incorporated the themes in the movies into the Yule Ball,” she said. “I think being part of the Harry Potter community is always fun because of events like this.”
Hunt said he agreed that the Yule Ball was an interesting way to bring one of his favorite series to life.
“I think (the Yule Ball) is definitely a way to join the community, and I would for sure recommend anyone interested in Harry Potter to take part in this event,” he said.