A quarterly-published, topically-based newsmagazine


A quarterly-published, topically-based newsmagazine


A quarterly-published, topically-based newsmagazine


Sarah Konrad, TEDx
president and junior,
directs a meeting.
Konrad said the
logistical work leading
up to the talk is stressful,
but worth the effort.

Words to Give

Uma Kandallu March 12, 2020
Junior Avery McQuillan talks to her co-worker, junior Molly Wright. They often work side by side, which generally consists of one making food and the other managing the cash register.

A Family Affair

Daniel Kim December 6, 2019
Losing and Learning a Language

Losing and Learning a Language

CHS students, staff discuss monolingualism, struggles they’ve had learning another language
Kris Otten October 18, 2019

Going for a Gap

Students, counselor discuss implications of gap years
Marvin Fan October 18, 2019

First Times

CHS students elaborate on some of their most memorable firsts
Sarah Kim October 18, 2019
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