Family First


Cady Armstrong

Every birthday, holiday or any excuse to hang out, I would spend time with my two sisters, aunts, uncles, seven cousins and my extended family. I looked up to my older cousins and they motivated me to work hard so I could be like them. When I’m older, I want to be able to sit with my sisters and watch my nieces and nephews play with my kids, having that same childhood experience I look back so fondly on. While I understand and recognize that not everyone feels the same, I know that I want to have kids in my lifetime. 

Many argue that you can’t have a career if you have children. However, this statement simply isn’t true. My mom built a real estate company and a law firm from the ground up while still coming home every night to spend time with her kids. I’ve often asked her how she managed to do this and she tells me every time that she was able to do it because her kids were her motivation to keep going. Personally, I know I want to have a fulfilling career and professional success. However, if I don’t have kids to share with that, then I start to wonder what the point of all of it was.

Additionally, others make the argument that fertility problems often make it difficult to have kids. However, in 2020, there are many alternate ways to have children. First, there are hundreds of thousands of kids that need homes and loving parents, and adoption makes the connection between people who want kids and kids that need these parents. Also, with modern medicine, one could also have children via a surrogate or with donation. However, I recognize that these processes are often hard and expensive and fully respect the right to choose. With that being said, people should not necessarily write off children due to medical or biological reasons. 

When I think about my future, I see myself getting a college degree, having a successful career, and eventually having kids in the far off future. I feel as though having kids is something very important to me. In conclusion, while I completely understand that having kids is not for everyone, having kids is something one should strongly consider.