Fangirling Out of This World
People should embrace fandom, connect over interests

Sci-Fi Guy
Science fiction often contains insights about society

Society should separate art from artist, avoid disregarding one’s art after controversy

“Harry Potter” series riddled with cultural insensitivity, prompts conversation about proper representation

Ladies First
Despite fan theories, Rose could not fit Jack on raft, she should prioritize herself first

No Man Left Behind
Rose should have saved Jack, 20th Century Studios missed opportunity to strengthen film
A Monster-osity
“Frankenstein” structure too confusing, not memorable enough for students
Take a Chance on Me
Dark, twisted plot, characters in “Frankenstein” speaks to any high school student

Powerful Heroines
Emily Carlisle, Hannah Gretz share their favorite female Disney characters

The More The Merrier
Staff member Calina He reveals thoughts on having multiple siblings

All By Myself
Staff member Karolena Zhou discusses life as only child