Cry About It
Pixar’s impressive ability to create emotional stories using inanimate objects should be celebrated, developed further

Bright Future?
Take a look at both the positive and negative
predictions people have for the future of the world

Digital Romance
Students consider modern romance, communication in digital age

Are We the Virus?
As COVID-19 continues to spread, nature returns to some parts of the world

Dare to be Yourself
LGBTQ+ students share their coming out
stories and what it means to express themselves

Leaving Dare
Feb. 6 ban on flavored e-cigarette sales brings past, present drug prevention programs to attention

Liar Liar
Learn how to catch liars, statistics, psychology of lying

A Duty to Serve
CHS students, faculty discuss mandatory military service, concept of drafting

Doggy Duty
Students, staff emphasize value of police, therapy dogs to one’s mentality, workplace