What made you interested in taking Meteorology?
My counselor recommended it to me because I needed to take a science (course) and she (said), “Meteorology’s fun because they do a lot of stuff with the weather,” and I thought it would be fun to learn about storms.
What has been your favorite part about the class?
We went outside a couple times, which was fun to do. We measured our shadows and I mean it’s always fun to leave class. At the beginning of the year we did the hot air balloon project. That was a very fun project.
Why do you think studying meteorology and climate is important?
I think it’s important because I actually learned a lot about weather and climate change and it was fun.
Has this class impacted your view on the environment and climate change? If so, how?
I learned more about it so I became more aware of it and we had to do a project and we had to come up with solutions for climate change. It really did change my perspective because I obviously had to spend an hour or two every day on it.
What was the most difficult part or topic in this class?
(Meteorology teacher Christina Mitchell) got mad at us one day and she (said), “I’m making you do this extra assignment.” We had to write this story about being a water droplet and going through photosynthesis, and I was so confused.
What do you wish was different about this class and why?
It was very hands on actually, which I feel was the problem. There were so many kids and everyone would talk over (Mitchell), so it was kind of hard to focus sometimes. My class was full of football players, so it was a little difficult to focus sometimes.
Can you explain how this class is more applicable to the real world than other classes might be?
Education on climate change helped my perspective and could help other kids’ perspectives on how to help change it. Climate change is a real issue that we need to solve, and I think this class highlights that.
What advice would you give to a student taking this class in the future?
Pay attention and try to not talk to your friends and the class really wasn’t hard. I just rarely paid attention because I was so distracted with all of my friends. Also, take really good notes and that will help you for tests.